Tuesday, 12 March 2013


Where there is music and dancing, there's a party.

Where there is music and dancing, plus masquerade balls, parades and people on floats wearing glitter and a smile, there's Carnival.

It happens all over the globe. People around the world call it by different names, though, some familiar, others less so. In New Orleans, it's Mardi Gras; in Denmark, Fastelavn; in Greece, Apokriés; in Venice, Carnevale; in Rio Carnaval; and in one tiny part of India, Intruz. They all grab the attention of the world.

"Apokries" Greece!
Facts !
Video !

"Mardi Gras" New Orleans, USA!
Facts !
Video !

"Carnevale" Venice!
 Facts !
Video !

"Carnaval" Rio De Janeiro!
 Facts !
Video !
Video !
Your carnival memories! 


  1. All the festivals that i learnt it is every year before the fasting period.At Venice the peoples makes their costumes by theirself.At Rio De Janeiro
    they are making all the thinks for the Carnaval and they are poor.At New Orleans they are making cakes
    and puts a baby.The people who TAKE THE BABY HAVE TO BUY THE CAKES THE NEXT YEAR!!

  2. i went to the carnival of my school this year and it was awesome!we had loud music,snacks and dance!all the kids wore something scary or something else,like super heroes and funny costumes.some boys dessed like womens!we also did the harlem shake which was very funny!


  3. Last year,I went to Patra's carnival and I had great time.There was traditional music and much dance also.I had wore as a rapper and some of my friends was wearing masks Anonymus.The food was excellent.There was pizza,ice cream and of course halvah.I think that I should go and this year.


  4. Two years ago I went to the carnival of my cousin's school and I really loved it.It had clown music snacks it was the best carnival ever Fotini

  5. manos simantiras19 March 2013 at 05:56

    Some year I went to the birthday party of my friend Kostas.It was a masque party and I dressed as a mexican.Other kids had great costumes,like Indiana Jones.But me and Kostas didn't like the party because there was a kid who acted like the boss of the party and also his mother want to force us dance and play spin the bottle.With REAL kisses!!!

  6. I'll never forget the time I dressed up like Michael Jackson in a maske party in school. In the party, the clown was looking at me strange and I was looking at him strange too. When he put "Billy Jeen" he said to me to go on stage. I started dancing. I felt so good. Then everybody was dancing, eating and drinking. it was an excellent night.

  7. The last week my school do a masce party. Masce party it is bad this year because when we dance someone let a coca cola down and the speakers began to smog. Then the food came and go all kids to take pizza and sweets. When i go to eat someone pushed me and I sprained my leg, but for three days is ok.
