Sunday 10 March 2024

Unite for Literacy!

 Click HERE to read great books!


It happens all over the globe. People around the world call it by different names, though, some familiar, others less so. In New Orleans, it's Mardi Gras; in Denmark, Fastelavn; in Greece, ApokriƩs; in Venice, Carnevale; in Rio, Carnaval; and in one tiny part of India, Intruz. They all grab the attention of the world.

"Apokries" Greece!
Facts  ! 

"Mardi Gras" New Orleans, USA!
Facts !
Video! !

"Carnevale" Venice!
 Facts !
Video !
Video  !

"Carnaval" Rio De Janeiro!
 Facts !

A lot of information about Carnival!
A lot of activities!

A lot of games! 
Colouring pages!

Vocabulary unit 8!

Unit 8L1 click HERE

Unit 8L2 click HERE

Unit 8L3 click HERE

Unit 8L4 click HERE


1st, 2nd & 3rd Conditional!

Fun practice!

Zero & First Conditionals!

First conditional!


Zero and First conditional and Unless!

Fun practice!
If, When or Unless?
First conditional 1!
First conditional 2!
First conditional 3!
Zero conditional 1!
Zero conditional 2!

Friday 2 February 2024

Monday 22 January 2024

Vocabulary Unit 6!

U6L1 Click HERE

U6L2 Click HERE

U6L3 Click HERE

U6L4 Click HERE

Modals & Modals Perfect!

Endangered animals!

First let's learn the difference between the words we use! 

Information! Click HERE


Information about biodiversity!

Shocking videos! The cruelty is unimaginable!

Write about an endangered species!
Find information and photos. Post your project on this CANVAS