Monday 8 April 2013

Great Leaders!

These people have changed the world!
Quiz: Mahatma Gandhi
Quiz: Nelson Mandela
Quiz: Martin Luther King Jr.
Write about a great leader that inspires you!


  1. the leader that inspires me is Periklis.he was the leader of the democracy polity.he supported this polity.although he had many authorities as a governer he never used this power at the expense of democracy. hercules

  2. The leader that inspires me more is Abraham Linkoln.He was the 16th president of United Stages and in his political life tried many times to disappear the slavery from the american people.The slavery forbid the freedom and the rights from the black people of america.Abraham Linkoln manage to disappear it but unfortunately a fan of slavery assassined him.


  3. The leader that inspires me is Alexander the great! He inspires me because he had very strategy skills. HE had made the imposibly posibly.He was one of the most well-known peoples in the earth.He is very brave

  4. manos simadiras15 April 2013 at 10:58


    He was a greek poet who lived around 850BC.He wrote the very famous poets ILIAD and ODYSSEY.
    He was either born in smyrna or chios.He was also a rhapsode and he visited many of the places he is refered on his poems.Some people think he was also blind because in some dialects his name means blind

  5. A person I admire is king Leonidas from Sparta. He Ascended the throne in 488 BC.His military genius became apparent at Thermopylae in the manner arrayed military departments and the speed with which toggles the battlefield. Simultaneously showed heroism: when Xerxes sent him a messenger and asked him to hand over their weapons and surrender, the Spartan king replied "Molon lave", meaning "Come and get it," so wanting to challenge him to a fight and to prove its value.
    King Leonidas fell fighting against the Persians at Thermopylae point and became a symbol of patriotic sacrifice.

  6. The person I amire is Martin Luther King JR because was fighting against to racism and he made his dream come true. Fotni

  7. the person i admire is mathatma gaghi because he tried to change the people opinion about the peas without any war and he let them to get him to preason

  8. Nelson Mandela is a great leader. He come from South Africa. He fought fo rights of people. One speech he said:" All the children have the same rights". The Nelson Mandela had gone at prison. Nelson Madela diet at big age, and one day is doing what he said on the speech.

  9. The person I admire is Rafael Nadal because he is a tennis player and I like tennis so much. I think that in some years could reach his level.
    Konstantinos L.

  10. I don't have a leader that inspires me, because any leader of the ancient or the daily world impess me for what he doing or why he doing it.
