Tuesday 28 January 2014


What have you just watched?

So now you know...

At last the Brazilian government is taking action against deforestation!
Let's watch this video .
Let's learn some more interesting facts about rainforests!
Explore the rainforests with oddizzi! (username:winners, password:winners) 

What have you learnt about rainforests?


  1. Rainforests are forests at the tropical zone, where have a lot of rain. The biggest rainforest is Amazon. Countries with large areas of rainforest are; Brasil, Congo, Peru, Indonesia, Colombia, Cameroon, etc.

    George Piromalis

  2. I learnt lots of things about the rainforests from the videos. Every year numerous trees are cut down by the people, in order to construct farms. There is a great difference of reduction of the trees within two decades. People also cut down trees to extend cities, build roads etc.

  3. I didin't know that there are rainforests in 13 countries that have parts of Amazon...!Like:Africa,Asia,Australia,Central and South America,Brazil,Bolivia,Peru,Ecuador,Colombia,Venezuela,Gyang,Suriname!!!

    Sophia Trousa

  4. Rainforests are important because they help stabilize the world’s climate,provide a home to many plants and animals,maintain the water cycle ,protect against flood, drought, and erosion,are a source for medicines and foods. But people destroys rainforests and it has a lot of consequences.

    Christine D.

  5. I learn a lot of things about rainforests.Rainforests are important because:
    - maintain the water cycle
    - are an interesting place to visit
    - help stabilize the world's climate
    They are also home for a lot of kind of animals but many humans are the main cause for rainforests destruction.They are cutting doown them for many reason, including
    - wood for both timber and making fires
    - road construction
    -pulp for making paper
    But WE can stop them and WE can save rainforests doing a lot of thing like:
    -Teach others about the importance of the environment and how they can help save rainforests.
    -Restore damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where forests have been cut down.
    -Encourage people to live in a way that doesn't hurt the environment
    -Establish parks to protect rainforests and wildlife
    -Support companies that operate in ways that minimize damage to the environment

    Joanna P.

  6. I lernt 3 reasons why rainforests are important;
    1.Help stabilize the world's climate.
    2.Maintain the water cycle.
    3.Province a home to many plants and animal.

    Anastasia P.
