Tuesday 15 January 2013


What have you just watched?

So now you know...

At last the Brazilian government is taking action against deforestation!
Let's watch this video .
Let's learn some more interesting facts about rainforests!

What have you learnt about rainforests?


  1. Rain forests give to animals a place to live, give us oxigen, animals take food from the fruits.

  2. Rainforests are very important, because they produce oxygen that is very important, also there are living many animals and there are many kinds of plants. Some of these plants are medical.

  3. Rainforests are often called the lungs of the planet for their role in absorbing carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, and producing oxygen, upon which all animals depend for survival. Rainforests also stabilize climate, house incredible amounts of plants and wildlife, and produce nourishing rainfall all around the planet.


  4. Rainforsests are forests with many tall trees and warm climates. Rainforests are found in Africa, America, Asia, Australia. The largest rainforest in the world is the Amazon rainforest in South Africa. In the rainforests live many people. They were banished by the government or they had to war to their land and the rivals won them, so they go elsewhere.

  5. The top of the trees it is very huge, the climate is tropic, that is, raining a big year time and it is liquid. The big trees help to the animal who lives in there and the people who lives there they are fussying. Their clothes it is fussying, their hut it is fussying, their house it is fussying and their rituals it is fussying. Rainforest have South America, Africa etc. Rainforest it is fantastic and have beautiful landscape.

  6. The rainforests have very high trees which are in all continents.The animals who live there, they're not walk on the ground but at the canopy. Thecanopy is something like a bridge onthe trees which is 100 feet space from the ground.
    Konstantinos L.

  7. The rainforest is a tropical forest with river and fog. Sometimes it has burn woods and trees. People they can grow up trees e.t.c.
