Tuesday 22 January 2013


How much do you know about wildfires? Watch this video !
Let's learn some interesting facts about wildfires!
You can find useful information in these articles about fire safety!
article 1
article 2
Now, a quiz to see how much you remember!
Another quiz!
What have you learnt about wildfires?


  1. wildfires are the fires that spreads very fast.they are on the forests and they are very dangerous.there are three kinds of fire:
    1.the ground fires that they burn organic material
    in the soil beneath the litter on the surface.
    2.the surface fires that burn the leafs of the trees,the branches nand other material on the ground.
    3.the crown fires that they burn almost everything.


  2. There are 3 kinds of wildfires. First it's the forse fires which burn the trees sloly.The second kind of wildfires is bruse fires burn openland with low line vegetacion.The third kind of wildfires is grass fires who burn very very fast.

    Κωνσταντίνος Λ.

  3. What i have learnt about wildfires is:

    1. they have existed for many years
    2. most of them are caused by humans
    3. there are three kinds of wildfire:
    ground fires,surface fires and crown fires

  4. There are 3 types of wildfires:
    1.Forest fires:it is slow.
    2.Grass fires:it is very fast.
    3.Brush fires:it burns grass.

    1.They ere caused by the people
    2.They are 3 types of fire:
    grass fires, bush firesandcrown fires


  6. I learnt that it could be very dangerous for our lives cause if we destroy the forests we won't have oxygen Fotini

  7. Putting fires in forests is so stupid. You think that is funny? NO It's not. Think about the trees and the animals that they live there. Puutting fire also in forests is bad about the atmosphere. Also if you think about it it's bad for the oxygen that you brath. So, DON"T PUTTING FIRE AT FORESTS!

  8. Wildfires are very dangerous for the people who lived in forests. Also they can destroy the place that the animals live. Wild fires are out of control. There are 3 types of fire they are the ground fires, the surface fires and the crown fires. Some people cut down some trees so the fire can stop there.

  9. I remember only one type of wildfires, the type ground fire. Some people also put fires on purpose to burn the rotten leaves of the trees, or some psychos persons put fires on purpose for unnutural reasons.

  10. It is three wildfire:
    1) Ground fire: The fire destroyed all the ground.
    2) Grass fire: The fire destroyed all the grass.
    3) Trees fire: The fire distroyed all the trees.
    The wildfire began about litters, a campfires, a cigarettes and lighting. The animals are must in danger in forest fires is: birds, tortoises, rabbits, mice e.t.c.
