Tuesday 18 February 2014


What is bullying?
Let's watch and find out.
Read this article and find out.
True stories!
How informed are you?
What would you say in these situations?

What have you learnt and what's your opinion on bullying?


  1. Bulling is when somebody injure the other to body or to hurt or both. If parents, teachers and all the state don't take care of it, it will spread. I think we take care of it, but no as much as have to take care.

    George Piromalis

  2. Bullying is when somebody hurts you emotionally or when hurts you bodily.In my opinion bullying is a bad action and it does many kids to have depression.So the parents and the teachers must be carefull on these events.Also they have to punished the bullys to understand that the thing they do it is not right.

    Joanna pl

  3. Bullying is what some people do(bullies)to otherbpersons for no reason.It is when someone says or does hurtfull things to you!In my opinion if we ever get bullied we should talk to someone older who will know some selution to this problem.

    Sophia Trousa

  4. Bullying is something bad beacuse many teenagers been harted or threated by the bullies.But the bullies at many times are people which bulled by somone.In my opinion everybody have too respect the other persons and their diffrences !!!!
